3 Essential Tips Before You Buy Bathroom Tiles
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3 Essential Tips Before You Buy Bathroom Tiles

Bathroom With Dark Coloured Tiles

3 Essential Tips Before You Buy Bathroom Tiles

Embarking on a bathroom renovation or simply refreshing your space can be exhilarating. It’s a chance to infuse your personality into one of the most intimate spaces in your home. However, the various choices in bathroom tiles regarding size, shape, colour and functionality can quickly become overwhelming. This blog post aims to guide you through these tips before you buy bathroom tiles, ensuring your bathroom reflects your style and meets your practical needs.

1. Understand the Impact of Tile Size and Shape

The size and shape of bathroom tiles play a pivotal role in the overall aesthetic and feel of your bathroom. Large-format tiles can make a small bathroom appear more spacious, thanks to fewer grout lines, while smaller tiles, such as mosaics, add texture and are perfect for creating feature areas. Shapes like hexagons or chevrons can introduce a dynamic pattern and flow to your space.

Interior design consultants can assist in navigating these options, ensuring the chosen tiles complement the dimensions of your bathroom and align with your desired aesthetic. Their expertise can help you achieve a balance between style and spatial harmony, making your bathroom appear as envisioned.

2. Choose the Right Colour Palette

The colour of your bathroom tiles sets the tone for the entire space. Here’s how to choose wisely:

  • Light Colours: Amplify natural light, making the bathroom feel more open and airy.
  • Dark Colours: Add depth and create a sense of luxury, but they can make small spaces appear smaller.
  • Neutral Tones: Offer versatility and longevity in design, easily adapting to future changes in decor.
  • Bright Colours: Introduce energy and personality, perfect for feature walls or accents.

3. Prioritise Functionality without Sacrificing Style

Slip Resistance

Choosing tiles that are slip-resistant is crucial in wet areas like bathrooms. Safety should never be compromised for style, but fortunately, today’s market offers many options that cater to both.

Easy to Clean

Tiles that require minimal maintenance while retaining their aesthetic appeal over time are ideal. Professionals can recommend stylish and practical options, ensuring your bathroom remains a sanctuary, not a chore.


Investing in high-quality tiles means they will withstand the test of time, both in style and function. Your consultant can help select materials that are beautiful and capable of enduring the daily rigours of bathroom use.

Ready For Your Bathroom Transformation? Get in Touch Today!

At Lynda’s Tiles in Style, we understand the importance of creating a bathroom that reflects your unique style while meeting your functional needs. Our extensive range of bathroom tiles, along with our expert advice, ensures your space will look fantastic and cater to your lifestyle. Whether you’re renovating or simply looking to refresh your bathroom’s design, our team is here to guide you through every step of the process. Discover how we can help bring your vision to life; contact us today!

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